July Patch Science Sale!!

by Matt Newman in [ Announcements ] on, Jul 20, 2022 12:00 AM UTC 17  comments

Hold on to your throttle Mechwarrior (or don't and get some sweet deals!)
It's time for Science with all the newly tuned Mechs.

Sale Starts: July 19th @ 5pm PST / July 20th @ 12am UTC
Sale Ends: August 2nd @ 5pm PST / August 3rd @ 12am UTC

50% off Weapons
50% off Engines
50% off Mech Bays
50% off Consumables
50% off the following 'Mechs:

Javelin JVN-10N
Javelin JVN-10P
Javelin JVN-11B
Javelin JVN-HT

Jenner (All Variants)

Jenner IIC (All Variants)

Firestarter FS9-E
Firestarter FS9-FS

Wolfhound (All Variants)

Phoenix Hawk PXH-1K

Hunchback HBK-4G
Hunchback HBK-4H
Hunchback HBK-4J
Hunchback HBK-4SP
Hunchback HBK-GI

Trebuchet TBT-5J

Vapor Eagle VGL-4
Vapor Eagle VGL-RI

Mad Dog MDD-C

Sun Spider SNS-D

Banshee BNC-LM
Banshee BNC-SR

King Crab (All Variants)

Dire Wolf DWF-A