by Matt Newman in [ Announcements ] on, Jun 11, 2021 9:00 PM UTC 34  comments

Greetings Mercenaries!

Today we bring a large patch to MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries and the DLC "Heroes of the Inner Sphere". A few of the highlights are as follows:


  • Added an option to hide the invite code so Content Creators can livestream without concern.
  • Fixed a bug that made it so players cannot access co-op if their contact list becomes corrupted.
  • Fixed a bug where the Cold Storage is empty when importing an old Campaign save to New Career.
  • Fixed an issue where custom Mod Content was not being loaded by the game. Prior to this mods could only replace/substitute existing game assets.


  • Fixed a bug where players were unable to access DLC in offline mode.


  • Players will no longer stay in 'offline mode' when launching the game on console until they enter co-op mode. Players will now go 'online' when they first enter the main menu if they have already accepted the privacy agreement so other players can see them online for co-op purposes.

In addition to these updates, there are also over 100 more updates and fixes, including:

  • Various crash fixes.
  • Various UI fixes.
  • Various localization fixes.
  • Various minor bug fixes

We hope you continue to enjoy MW5Mercs, and as always if you have any technical issues or bugs to report, be sure to email or contact us in the MechWarrior Discord Server in the appropriate channels.


The MechWarrior 5 Team