by Tina Benoit in [ Announcements ] on, Dec 13, 2018 12:45 AM UTC 117  comments
Greetings MechWarriors,

A Hot-Fix is scheduled to occur tomorrow, December 13th at 2PM PDT (10PM UTC), to address the following fixes:

- Fixed issues with Friend List sorting.
- Fixed issues with the Faction Play queue info, it should now shows the queue numbers properly.
- Corrected the Hatamotochi 'Mech Arm Pitch Speed to the intended value.
- Corrected Hatamotochi HTM-27(S) right torso structure from [35] to [34].
- Corrected Hatamotochi HTM-27(S) right arm structure from [27] to [26].
- Corrected Charger CGR-3K right arm structure from [27] to [26].
- Corrected the Rifleman RFL-8D(L) Hardpoints to intended values.
- Fixed a bug where turning left while stationary in the Charger 'Mech will cause the cockpit to tilt.
- Fixed inconsistencies in LRM flight paths introduced in the Dec. Patch.

Other changes:

-Removed Escort game mode from Quick Play.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Patch version: v1.4.192.0