Hot-fix Scheduled for July 8th at 10AM PDT

by Alexander Garden in [ Announcements ] on, Jul 8, 2015 12:00 AM UTC 39  comments
Greetings MechWarriors,

We will be rolling out a hot-fix on Wednesday July 8th, tentatively scheduled for 10:00 AM PDT (5:00PM UTC), with the following changes:

Awesome (all variants)
  • Fixing an issue with the Center Torso hit-box
Centurion CN9-AH Reward 'Mech
  • Fixing a texture issue with the Left Arm shield
Centurion (all variants)
  • Fixing a glossy texture issue with the default pattern
Catapult (all variants)
  • Fixing a glossy texture issue with the default pattern
Cicada (all variants)
  • Fixing a glossy texture issue with the default pattern
Executioner (all variants)
  • Fixing an issue with Standing Cockpit Items not appearing correctly
The estimated downtime required for this hot-fix will be approximately 30 minutes.
When services are restored you will be required to apply a small patch.