FINAL UPDATE! Hot-fix incoming later today @ 10:00 AM

by Alexander Garden in [ Announcements ] on, Feb 20, 2015 6:00 PM UTC 125  comments
Greetings MechWarriors,

We will be rolling out a hot-fix today, tentatively scheduled for release between 10:00 AM PST and 11:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC to 7:00 PM UTC), to resolve the following issues:

  • Torso turn speed was not behaving correctly with arm lock enabled
  • Horizontal arm lock was disengaging when pressing or holding "F"
  • Torso was twisting too far when quickly moving the mouse
  • Players communicating through VoIP while transitioning from the end of round screen to the home screen would sometimes crash
  • Faction Chat was not automatically scrolling when first viewing it
  • We are temporarily disabling VoIP functionality until we can resolve a server communication issue

UPDATE: We are using the downtime from this hot-fix to resolve the server and matchmaking issues that cropped up this morning. We are still working on solutions. Further information on when services will be restored will be provided as soon as possible.

UPDATE 2: The hot-fix is out, and includes a server fix for the connection issues that were occurring this morning.

Services have been restored. Upon launching the client you will be required to install a small patch.

Details on the Like a Champion MARK II event extension will also be provided once everything is restored.