Chaos Theory Sale Sept 20th to Sept 24th!

by InnerSphereNews in [ Inner Sphere News ] on, Sep 20, 2013 4:40 PM UTC 93  comments

Greetings MechWarriors! For this sale we've got a little bit of everything - Fractal for your Catapult, Dragons, and Quickdraws; 30% off the Catapult C4, Dragon 1N, and Quickdraw 4H; 50% off the Heavy Mech statues Cataphract, Catapult, JagerMech, and Dragon; 40% off the cost of three days of Premium Time!

So we hope you enjoy the sale, and we look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!

The MechWarrior Online Team



30% off 3 Heavy Mechs Variants:

  • CPLT-C4, regular 2350 , now 1645
  • DRG-1N, regular 1935 , now 1354
  • QKD-4H, regular 2155 , now 1508

50% Matching Patterns (Catapult, Dragon, Quickdraw):

  • Fractal, regular 750 , now 375

Heavy Mech Statues 50% off:

  • Regular 750 , now 375 Cataphract, Catapult, JagerMech, Dragon

3 days premium time, 40% off:

  • Regular 650 , now 390



Friday September 20th 10am PDT


Tuesday September 24th 10am PDT